Thursday, September 27, 2012


Hippos are the third largest animals in the world, and can live to be up to 50 years old in the wild. They are also very protective over their young, and because of this they have killed more people than any other animal has. If they look like they are yawning it is really to scare off anything they feel threatened by. Their sharp teeth and wide mouth could snap a boat in half. People mostly think that hippos are closely related to pigs, but they are really closely related to whales.

Star fish do not have a brain, ears, or a nose, or even blood. They have a mouth that is in the middle of their body on their underside. Their thick bony skin helps them from being eaten. Being eaten and getting sick are the only two ways that a star fish can die. Other than that they can live forever.

Gorillas are our closest relatives, because we share 98% of our genes with them. Like humans have different finger prints; all gorillas have different nose prints. They are known as “Gentle Giants”, and are usually 400- 600 pounds.

A cheetah can run up to 80 mph but only for a short distance like 400-600 yards. There are no more than 12,000 cheetahs left in the world and can soon be extinct in the next 15 years. A cheetah is the smallest of all the big cats in the world.

Cows are one of the biggest contributors to today’s global warming. When they burp they give off 100s of millions of hydrocarbons daily. They also have 4 stomachs: the rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. With all its grazing it does and how many stomachs they have no wonder they give off so many hydrocarbons.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sports and Inventions

Have you ever wondered who it was that invented something or who said a famous quote that you like? Well I do all the time, so I sit on the internet when I am bored and look up all sorts of interesting things that people may not know with just common knowledge. Even something that happened in history that wasn’t a big deal so no one knows about it. In 2010 April 1st a man named Stig Severinsen held his breath for 20 minutes and 10 seconds. Every minute you breathe 170 times and that’s 23,000 times a day.

                This fact might just shock you or surprise you when you hear it, it did me at least. Thomas Edison was not the inventor of the light bulb! In fact it was a British inventor named Joseph Swan. Swan then sued Edison for fraud and won. Edison had to take Swan in as a business partner, but not long after bought him out of the company, General Electric.

                You may or may not have heard the famous baseball quote “They will put a man on the moon before I ever hit a home run.” This was said by baseball pitcher Gaylord Perry in 1963. In 1969 the day of Apollo 11 when Neil Armstrong first stepped foot on the moon, Gaylord Perry hit his first home run only a few seconds after the landing on the moon. Six hours after it landed was when Armstrong walked on the moon. Gaylord Perry was induced into the National Baseball hall of Fame in 1991.

Here are the links where I got my information from.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week One

It never fails something goes wrong when I am around. Just last Friday we had our Beaverton vs. Gladwin game and it’s our biggest game of the season, so everyone was going. Right after the game got over I was supposed to go over to my sisters who lives 2 hours away and babysit her 3 kids for the weekend. When I got home from the game it was around 10:30 and I still had to pack and leave. Once I got in my car I could tell something wasn’t right, all my lights were dim and once I got about 10 minutes from my house all my lights started flickering and soon went out along with my headlights. I had no clue what to do. I called my dad and he told me to try and make it home but that was didn’t happen. He eventually came and got me and to make things worse it was pouring down rain as he was trying to check out the car. He told me the alternator had gone out and that he wouldn’t be able to fix it till the next day. I remembered how the battery light turned on in my car just a couple days before that and my friend Shane had told me not to worry about it.  After borrowing my Mom’s car I made it to my sisters. The next day my luck still had not changed; I accidently ran over my phone with my sister’s 4-wheeler, but luckily it only cracked the screen so it was still useable! Unfortunately with my luck would have it I dropped it a second time and then the whole screen went black. I went 3 days without my phone and that thing had my life on it. So never listen to your friends when they tell you to ignore something with your car and if you’re as attached to your phone as I am then don’t let it out of your sight and get an otter box (a thick protective phone case) for it. I unfortunately learn everything the hard way.