Thursday, October 25, 2012

Healthy Foods

Some of the healthiest things you could eat are probably things that you would never have thought of. Lemons not only have 100% of your daily vitamin c, they help strengthen your bones and increase good cholesterol. Lemons can also act as an anti-inflammatory for cancer cells. One medium stalk of broccoli can do much more than you would probably know. It too can stop many cancers, and it has 100% of your daily value of vitamin k and 200% of vitamin c, two main vitamins for bone health.

                Would you have ever thought that dark chocolate could be good for you? Just one ounce daily can reduce your blood pressure, and it can also lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels. One sweet potato has eight times the amount of cancer fighting and immune boosting vitamins your body needs daily. Salmon can reduce the risk of depression, heart attacks, and cancer by all the omega- 3 fatty acids that it has. Just 3 ounces can reduce your risks of getting Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss. Walnuts can do a lot more then than just reduce cholesterol. All of the omega 3 fatty acids in them can improve your mood and help you fight cancer. They can also protect you from sun damage.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10 things you can do with coke besides drinking it.

              Did you ever know that there is more you can do with things than just to eat them or drink them? Coke is so acidic that it has many uses, several uncommon ones that can sometimes help you with things around the house or making a job easier. Pour a full can of coke on to a frozen, frosted windshield and watch what happens. It will make your morning of scraping all the frost off the windows much easier. You can also clean your windows with it. Just pour it all over them and wipe down with a moisten cloth. Coke can also clean all the crud off around the terminals on your car battery. Just pour it on wait a few minutes and rinse off with a hose. In another situation where coke can help you with cleaning if you pour coke into your toilet bowl and wait 10 minutes it will break down even the most difficult stains.

                Have you heard the myth that peeing on a jelly fish sting will help with the pain? Well not only is that untrue it’s gross. If you ever have a situation where someone was stung by a jelly fish pour a full can of coke on to it. It will take away the pain almost instantly. Have you ever noticed any sours on your pet’s paws or them being shiny? Next time you do try soaking them in a glass bottle of coke for 20 minutes it will help soothe your pet’s pain.

                Ever gotten sprayed by a skunk? Or your animal has gotten sprayed? The tomato juice is so messy and hard to clean up. Next time just go into the shower and pour lots and lots of coke on yourself or your pet. Wait a few minutes and let it set then rinse it off. You or your pet will smell nice and clean once you’re done.  Ever had a difficult smell like fish in your clothes and you couldn’t seem to get it out? Try pouring coke into the washer with the clothes in it, and see how fresh smelling they come out.

                Want curly hair? Well coke can help with that too. Just leave an open can of coke out overnight then pour the whole can over your long hair and let it sit for a while. Then rinse it thoroughly. When it dries you will have curls.  The acid in coke will also kill pesticides. If you just put small cups of coke in your garden the sugar in the pop will attract the bugs and the acid will kill them almost instantly.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


This day and age everything is computerized. By 2012 seventeen billion devices have been connected to the internet.  It is amazing on how much we use and depend on the internet.  Books are rarely used to reference information anymore; Google, Ask, and Jeeves are very popular sights for getting information. For instance when I wanted to look up the interesting facts about computers for this article I used Google.
Hewitt Packard, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages, image that!  Now they are million dollar companies in million dollar facilities. 
Inside original Macintosh case you will find 47 signatures for each member of Apple’s Macintosh division as of 1982. The first computer mouse was made of wood by Doug Engelbart in 1964.
 The Dvorak keyboard is more efficient then the QWERTY keyboard it is 20X faster. It is said that the Dvorak layout uses less finger motion, increases typing rate, and reduces errors compared to the standard QWERTY keyboard. Although the Dvorak keyboard has failed to replace the QWERTY keyboard, most major operating systems allows one to switch to the Dvorak layout.
Facebook will pay at least $500 if you can hack their site.  I wonder how many people have tried that?  YouTube was invented on Valentine’s Day in 2005.  Did you know that one of every 8 U.S. married couples met online? 
Do you do a lot of shopping on line? Well here is a fact that will blow your mind, on E-Bay there is an average of $680 worth of transactions each second. 
E-mail has been around longer then the World Wide Web.  Ray Tomlinson invented the e-mail in 1971 and Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989.
This last fact I will share with you is an eye opener.  The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute, less than ½ the normal rate of 20 times a minute. I guess they don’t want to miss anything by blinking too much.   

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Outrageous State Laws

Have you ever heard of any outrageous laws that some states have now a days? Like that in Alaska it’s illegal to get a moose drunk and take it for a ride in an airplane.  Now you know that someone had to of tried doing that or else why would they feel the need to make it a law? In New York people are not allowed to greet one another by putting their thumb on their nose and wiggling their fingers.

 In Kentucky you wouldn’t be able to dye a duck blue and then try and to sell it unless you have six or more of the blue little ducklings for sale. Now I could see someone dying a duck blue but why on earth would they feel the need to make it a law about not selling less than six of them?

On Sundays you are not allowed to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket in Georgia. In South Carolina you are not allowed to keep a horse in a bath tub. Doesn’t it just make you wonder why on earth people would want to keep a horse in a bath tub?

These laws sound ridiculous don’t they? I just wonder how much of our tax payer’s money is spent each year imposing these silly laws that make no sense and aren’t used for the betterment of man-kind.