Dreams can have a lot more meaning than you may think. They
can also vary between man and woman. On average you will dream 1,460 times a
year that comes out to about four dreams a night. Whenever your laying there in
a sleepless night because your partner is snoring away, just think he can’t be
dreaming. Whenever you snore it’s physically impossible to be dreaming. Have
you ever dreamed about a fish? Or had a fish in your dream? Then someone you
know is pregnant.
dreams are much shorter than adults and about 40% of them are night mares. Children
are also way more likely to dream about animals then adults are. If you take
vitamin b it can create more vivid dreams. Also if you are pregnant you can
have more vivid dreams that you remember easier. This is due to a high hormone
levels. People who have recently quite smoking have reported to also have more
vivid dreams than they did while they were smoking. The consumption of alcohol
can make you fall into a deep sleep faster.
People who
are born blind cannot see images in their dreams but people who became blind
after birth can see images in their dreams. When you have been awake for 5
minutes you have forgotten 50% of your dream, and after 10 minutes you could
have forgotten 90% of your dream.
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